Better late than never! I kept forgetting which resolutions I made so I figured I would write them down and it would make an interesting blog post!
I have a lot of basic ones, aka eat healthier, work out more BUT I've tailored them to me.
1. Eat colourful vegetablesit sounds easier than it is, but being on my own I don't really know how to cook veggies (I know, terrifying) so hence why this healthy choice is tailored to me. I don't think I eat badly, I just need more vegetables in my life.
2. Stick to a work out routineI've been going to the gym five days a week since September but once I go home for a visit or I get too stressed; I lose my groove, so my goal is to stick to it.
3. Learn GermanIt'd be awesome.
4. Try to wear colourful lipsThe Natalie Portman cover basically convinced me of this! If you don't know what I'm talking about,
see my last post.
5. Master "bedhead"I have curly hair, I don't really like it and I straighten my hair everyday. I try to embrace the curls but I end up hating it more and more each time, so my goal is make peace with my hair and master the bedhead look.
6. Take better care of my nails!7. Rely on natural remediesI'm a big wuss, I go to the doctor for everything which is terrible. I'm currently sick and I've forbidden myself to go the doctor so I'm toughing it out.
I'm sure that I will remember some that I've forgotten but that's all for now!
Happy 2011! :D Happy New Year!