I totally realize that I look way more made up then she does, I just like wearing more makeup, I have horrible lighting/camera and I'm not a professional.

For the outfit, I tried to get as close as possible! I chose this dress because it's a yellow detailed dress like hers, but I like the different neckline and the bubble shape (as opposed to hers which is just straight which is a hard shape to pull off, kudos to her!). I really like that she paired an ankle bootie (ish) with this dress, it looks so nice and sophosicated I found. I tried to stay within the same colour palette which is why I picked a grey shoe because it picks up on the grey tone that I don't have in the dress that I picked. Her clutch in the photo looks like its orange and silver, I couldn't find a clutch with that so I chose a sweet pink, which kinda lost its colour in the photo :(. Her watch (I assume it's a watch, right wrist) is a pink so I feel the clutch kinda makes up for that. The watch that I chose is Marc by Marc Jacobs (which is a total fantasy, I do realize) I love it so much! :) It's feminine, but plays up the whole 'boyfriend watch" which I've seen a lot of lately, I just adore this watch. Then the bangles are pretty basic again, just chosen to match up hers.
Hope you enjoy!
loooooooovvve it!