As I had mentioned in my last post, the newest cleanser that I had used really did heavy damage to my face. Seriously, one of the worst breakouts I think I have ever experienced in my life! But this did lead to one nice discovery, I was super desperate to find anything that would cover up my hideous blemishes I had read/heard about using eye drops to cover up any redness but every other time I was too nervous to try it, but this called for desperate measures. I bought the cheapest brand of eye drops called "clear eyes" in the one that just read 'reduces redness' after all I wasn't treating allergies or anything. What I did was just put a few drops on a q-tip and then dabbed into the problem spot. I applied it pretty liberally because as I said before I was super desperate. I put the drops on after my moisturizer and before my concealer, then just wait for it to dry before applying your foundation. I have to say that these eye drops really does do wonders! I was so impressed! It takes away the redness but also dries out the blemish, so this almost cures it and gets rid of it faster then if you had just left it with makeup. This seriously saved my life, one of the best beauty tips I think that I have ever tried and I have really sensitive skin so it was really amazing that it worked. Definitely try it if you are ever in the same situation as I was!

Hopefully this is helpful! :D
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