1. My New Plaid Shirt
It does seem conceited that one of my weekly obsessions is my new shirt, but I love it! I really like reaching for clothes that I would never try before and trying them on in a store. Don't get me wrong, I love plaid shirts but this colour combination I would have never reached for before. These colours look so girly which I love! It just suits my mood so well lately.

2. Coral
I've always loved coral especially in the summer, but lately it's been on my mind 24/7. Lips and nail colours that I've leaning to lately are all coral. I'm pretty sure it's due to the fact that I'm craving sunshine like no tomorrow. Spring could not come faster!

3. Children with Swag
When I found this tumblr, I loved it! These have to be the cutest kids ever! It's worth a look if you want a daily dose of cuteness. http://childrenwithswag.tumblr.com/
Have an awesome weekend!